Visiting Crosby ISD Campuses

For-Profit Businesses

  • Facility Rental

    • Contact the Crosby ISD Maintenance Dept. at 281-328-9200 ext. 1272

    Sponsor a Campus

    • Local businesses are welcome to contact campus principals to inquire about sponsoring a campus.  Businesses seeking to provide a campus with a luncheon or other incentive may be allowed to do so at the campus principal's discretion.  However, for-profit businesses/organizations and their representatives will not be allowed to remain on campus grounds to solicit campus staff on campus grounds during business hours.  A flyer or business card may be left with the principal to display in a staff break area or teacher's lounge for appropriate recognition of your business sponsorship, luncheon, or other incentive. 

    Patriotic Societies

    • Please refer to policy GKD (Legal) for provisions relating to non-school use of facilities for patriotic societies.

    Distribution of Flyers/Materials

    • Distribution of flyers/materials to students is only permitted for 501(c)(3) organizations.

Non-Profit/Government Organizations

  • Facility Rental

    • Contact the Crosby ISD Maintenance Dept. at 281-328-9200 ext. 1272

    Sponsor a Campus

    • Local businesses are welcome to contact campus principals to inquire about sponsoring a campus .  However, for-profit businesses/organizations will not be allowed to distribute promotional materials or solicit campus staff on campus grounds during school hours.  A flyer or business card may be left with the principal to display in a staff break area or teacher's lounge for appropriate recognition of your business sponsorship.

    Distribution of Flyers/Materials