Purchasing cooperatives
The Disrtict uses many cooperative purchasing alliances to procure goods and services. Utilizing these cooperatives allows the District to benefit from combined purchasing power while still following State and Federal law and District policy.
CISD commonly uses the following purchasing cooperatives:
BuyBoard (BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing)
TCPN / NIPA (The Cooperative Purchasing Network / National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance)
DIR (Department of Information Resources)
Tips USA (Cooperative Purchasing Systems)
E & I (Educational & Institutional Cooperative Purchasing)
PACE(Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities)
TexBuy (Purchasing Cooperative)
TxSmartBuy (State of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Program)
NCPA (Region 14)
HGACBuy (Houston-Galveston Area Council)
Allied States Cooperative (ESC 19)