Who will have input in the attendance zoning?

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To some degree, everyone will have an opportunity to provide input. 

The Board of Trustees will make the final decision regarding the new Attendance Zones, but not without feedback from citizens and staff.  Each Board Member will select 2 citizens from the district they represent to be a part of the Attendance Rezoning Committee (ARC). District Administration will also select several staff members to be a part of this committee.  Ideally, the ARC will consist of no more than 19 core members that represent a fair cross-section of the community. This will allow plenty of opportunity for discussion during ARC Committee meetings that will be held throughout the semester. 

After each ARC committee meeting, notes, reference materials, and potential zoning options will be shared with the public.  The public will have an opportunity to review the information, and submit comments and/or feedback that will be shared with the ARC to consider at the next meeting.

The tentative plan is to finalize the new Attendance Zones in January or February of 2020.

