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    Patsy Mills
    281-328-9264 ext. 1707
    fax- 281-328-9356
  • We're pleased that your student will soon be joining us here at the Crosby Middle School.


    To register your student, please bring the following items with you to our school.

    • Child's birth certificate
    • Child's social security card
    • Your proof of residency (for example, a utility bill showing your permanent address within our school district)
    • Withdrawal form from previous school 
    • Custodial Documents (if applicable)
    • Child's immunization records
    • Copies of your child's previous test scores & report card (the registrar will request all records from previous school, but this will help our counselors place your child in the correct classes).

    Attention new enrollees:

    It is best to arrive before 8:00 AM to ensure that the enrollment process can be completed on the same day. Thank you!

    Although an appointment with our school staff to register your child is not required, it is appreciated.  No enrollment will be done after 11:00 AM. Please allow one hour to complete the registration process, including selecting your student's classes and a tour of our building. 

    We look forward to meeting you and your student :)

    WE WILL BE UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE ENROLLMENT ON THE SAME DAY IF YOU ARE MISSING ANY NEEDED DOCUMENTATION.  All of these can be obtained from the previous school ~ it is the legal right of the parent/guardian to ask for, and receive, upon withdrawal.

    PLEASE BE AWARE if you are NOT the student's legal guardian, you will be asked to fill out Guardianship paperwork that must be filed at the downtown Houston Courthouse.  These papers can be picked up at the Registrar's Office during normal business hours. You cannot enroll your student until this paperwork is completed.


    Contact Mrs. Mills if you are planning to withdraw your student so she may begin the paperwork process.