- Send a parent note or a doctor's note with your child within 3 days of returning to school to receive an excused absence.
- Note must include: 1) Student's Full Name 2) Date of absence 3) Reason 4) Parent Name 5) Parent Cell Number 6) Parent Signature.
- If you have access to a printer at home, you may use the absence note template. Whether you handwrite the note or use the template, you must turn in a hard copy to the school.
- Only 3 excused absences will be allowed per semester.
- Students must turn in absence notes before the 1st period tardy bell.
Perfect Attendance
- A student must attend all 7 class periods each day to receive a perfect attendance award at the end of the school year.
- Checking out early will count against perfect attendance.
Tardy Procedures - Tardies are cumulative and not per class.
- 1st Tardy = Warning
- 2nd - 4th Tardy = Detention
- 5th - 8th Tardy = 3-hour Detention
Excessive tardies could result in ISS. First period tardies may result in revoked student parking privileges.
For more in-depth information regarding student attendance, pleas refer to the following Board Policies:
- FEA (Legal) Compulsory Attendance
- FEA (Local) Compulsory Attendance
- FEC (Legal) Attendance for Credit
- FEC (Local) Attendance for Credit
- FED (Legal) Attendance Enforcement
Missed Work
Any student absent three or more consecutive days may request that missed assignments be collected from teachers. A parent must make this request by 8 a.m. on the third day of absence. Assignments collected from teachers will be available between 2:00 - 2:30pm in the attendance office. Please make arrangements to pick up assignments. Students are encouraged to contact their classmates to retrieve notes from missed classes and should see teachers individually immediately upon return to school. Students should also check with the attendance office to collect any additional assignments that were not picked up as requested.*We recommend that you call before coming to pick up your student's missed assignments to ensure the request has been fulfilled.
Absence Note Template
You may either handwrite your child's absence note or use the template form linked below, but students must turn in a signed, hard copy to the attendance clerk:
Absence Note Template