We are finishing up Unit 8 Body Systems this week. We will take our test on Friday 1/29/16. Students will turn in their body systems folder for a major grade. Please see the rubric below for what should be included in their folder. Check the Lessons tab and click on Unit 8 for more files. Students were given a project assignment that is due on Monday Feb. 1st. I have attached both Pre-Ap (Disease Brochure Project) and Regular (Human Body Systems project) assignment files.
- A_Human_Body_Systems_Chart_ERD.doc
- Body_Foldable_page_3.pdf
- Body_Systems_Folder_Rubric.xlsx
- Body_System_Foldable.pdf
- Circulatory_System_Lab_3.pdf
- Circulatory_System_Power_Point.ppt
- Digestive_System.ppt
- Digestive_System_Lab.pdf
- DiseaseBrochure.doc.docx
- Endocrine_System.pptx
- Endocrine_System_Lab.pdf
- Excretory_System.ppt.pptx
- Excretory_System_Lab.pdf
- HumanBodySystemsProject.docx.docx
- Integumentary_System.pdf
- Integumentary_System.pptx.pptx
- MuscularSystemLab.docx.docx
- Muscular_and_Skeletal_Systems_Power_Point.ppt
- Nervous_System.pdf
- Nervous_System.ppt
- RespiratorySystemLab.doc.docx
- Respiratory_System_Power_Point.pptx
- Skeletal_System_Virtual_Lab.docx
- Unit_8_word_wall.pdf