Attendance/Tardy Procedures

  • Absences

    • Send a parent note or a doctor's note with your child within 3 days of returning to school to receive an excused absence.
    • Note must include: 1) Student's Full Name 2) Date of absence 3) Reason 4) Parent Name 5) Parent Cell Number 6) Parent Signature.  
    • If you have access to a printer at home, you may use the absence note template.  Whether you hand write the note or use the template, you must turn in a hard copy to the school.
    • Only 3 excused absences will be allowed per semester.
    • Students must turn in absence notes before the 1st period tardy bell.

    Perfect Attendance

    • A student must attend all 7 class periods each day to receive a perfect attendance award at the end of the school year.
    • Checking out early will count against perfect attendance.

    Tardy Procedures - Tardies are cumulative and not per class.

    • 1st - 4th Tardy = Warning
    • 5th - 6th Tardy = Detention
    • 7th - 9th Tardy = Thursday/Saturday 3-hour Detention
    • 10th+ Tardy = ISS/Possible OSS Assignments

    Excessive tardies could result in ISS.  First period tardies may result in revoked student parking privileges.

    For more in-depth information regarding student attendance, please refer to the Student Handbook and/or the following Board Policies:

Attendance Clerk

  • Amber Rocha
    281-328-9237 ext 1822

Absence Note Template

  • You may either handwrite your child's absence note or use the template form linked below, but students must turn in a signed, hard copy to the attendance clerk:

    Absence Note Template
