Welcome to Crosby ISD's Culinary Arts Department

  • Welcome to Crosby ISD's Culinary Arts Program.
    Please, take some time to check out some of our links to read about our program and things we offer our community!

  • Spring Semester 2024
    **The Cougars' Bistro is now CLOSED for 2023-2024**

    Thank you to everyone that dined with us this school year!
    We look forward to serving you in 2024-2025!

Salad Bar Menus

Cougars' Bistro & Cafe

    2023-2024 MENUS 
    Would you like to place an order?
    Be sure to check out the menus. 
    Salad Bar Menus are located on the left side
    and Cougar Bistro Lunches are located on the right side.
    Click the link to place an order or send an email to Chef Espinosa!



Cougars' Bistro Lunches