• Student Login Information

    • Network login – this is what your student will use to log in to computers at school and their MacBook if they are issued one at the secondary level.
      Username: 00lunchnumber
      Default Password: First4lettersoflastnameMMDD (First 4 letters of last name with first letter capital then 2-digit month and day of birth)

      Please note: All students in grades 6-12 are required to change their passwords

      Skyward for students/Eduphoria/WIFI – students connect to Skyward, Eduphoria, and to the CROSBY-SECURE network using their network login above.

      Office 365/Google/Clever/Schoology/Teams
      Username: 00lunchnumber@students.crosbyisd.org
      Password: First4lettersoflastnameMMDD (First 4 letters of last name with first letter capital then 2-digit month and day of birth)

      Student: Mickey Mouse                  
      ID/Lunch Number: 12345                                             
      Birthday: January 23
      Username: 0012345@students.crosbyisd.org
      Password: Mous0123

      iPad Passcode - 00lunchnumber