• District Records Management Department

    What is Records Management?
    Records Management is an important function of any school district and involves applying policies and procedures to be certain that district records are properly used, maintained, stored, and disposed.  

    What is a Retention Schedule?
    A Records Retention Schedule is a document that is the heart of records management.  Retention schedules list all of the record series of an organization along with the retention periods.  They help ensure that we comply with laws and provide legal protection.  Crosby ISD follows 4 local government retention schedules:

    • EL: Records of Elections and Voter Registration
    • GR: Records Common to All Local Governments
    • SD: Public School Districts
    • TX: Records of Property Taxation

    Local Government Records include any document, paper, letter, book, photograph, sound or video recording, microfilm, magnetic tape, electronic medium, or other information recording medium, regardless of physical form or characteristic and regardless of whether public access to it is open or restricted under the laws of the state, created or received by a local government or any of its officers or employees pursuant to law, including an ordinance, or in the transaction of public business, except for materials excluded under the Local Government Cod, Section 201.003(8)

    Permanent Records include any local government record for which the retention period on a records retention schedule issued by the commission is given as permanent or which has been identified by the records management officer as possessing permanent historical value.

    What is Disposition?
    According to the National Archives and Records Administration, Disposition is a comprehensive term that includes destruction as well as other actions, such as the transfer of permanent records. Responsible disposition ensures cost efficiency, quicker retrieval of information, and efficient use of space.  It also helps prevent information overload that makes it difficult to locate records because there's just "too much stuff."  Responsible records disposition requires regular maintenance!

    Who handles the storage and disposition of records?
    Crosby ISD, as a local government entity, is required to designate a Records Management Officer and file that information with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC).  Board Policy CPC (Local) designates the Superintendent as the Records Management Officer for the District.  Each campus principal and district deparment head/director is the Custodian of Records and designates Records Liaisons to help carry out the policies and procedures established by the District fo the efficient and economical management of records.  These Record Liason designees will be the first point of contact for the District Records Management Officer in maintaining the records in their care and carry out the preservation and destruction of records in accordance with district policies.
