Board of Trustees President Graduates from Leadership TASB

Fort Worth, TX (June 21, 2024) - Congratulations to Crosby ISD Board of Trustees President, Mrs. Kea Lynn Lewis, for earning the Leadership Texas Association of School Board’s Master Trustee Designation. Master Trustee is the highest designation recognized by TASB.

President Lewis was among the 2024 cohort for the highly selective program that elevates school board members from across the state of Texas. The cohort of 33 trustees attended the year-long program where they spent more than 75 hours learning how to achieve better governance and superior schools in the state. President Lewis studied how to better support the 6900 students in Crosby ISD.

President Lewis with her LTASB Diploma.

President Lewis and Superintendent Patterson.

Superintendent Patterson, President Lewis, Trustee Lisa Kallies, and Vice President Jennifer Roach.

President Lewis reflected on the last year: "What I have found this past year is that there are different levels of leadership. Good leaders anticipate and prepare for problems before they happen. Great leaders invite others into the solution, because there’s value in others' participation.  Servant leaders ask others for input. They also find ways to meet the needs of those in their sphere of influence. I want to encourage each of us as we graduate to not forget our why, and our purpose. Find the value in inviting others to be part of the solution. To sum up, the levels of leadership…these are interchangeable, and a well-rounded, successful leader should be able to use each one to succeed and prosper."

President Lewis has served Crosby ISD as a member of the Board of Trustees since 2018, being re-elected in 2022. She represents Single Member District 2.

She added about her time in the Leadership TASB program, "Your heart is best served by striving towards your purpose while embracing your current season. Don’t look ahead if it causes you to neglect what you have been blessed with now. Whether you are in a season of sorrow or joy, want or plenty, chaos or peace, make the best use of time. You must understand the underlying principles that drive you. Evaluate your motives and intentions to see what it is that fuels you. Without constant and honest evaluation of yourself, you end up asking others to fulfill what was meant for you. Go be great!”

You can read more about Leadership TASB here: