• National History Day

    Crosby ISD students will be participating in a state and national competition locally refered to as History Fair. This is conducted annually by National History Day, whose goal is to increase student knowledge and interest in history. Winners at the local level can go on to compete at the regional, state, and even national level. Winners at the national level are eligible to receive medals, scholarships, and monetary rewards.


    Participation in this project is part of of our district effort to promote college and career readiness for our students. All seventh grade students, along with Pre-AP 8th and 9th students, will be participating in National History Day.


    Contest Day:

    Crosby Middle School and High School History Fair: January 20th at 6pm

    Location: Crosby Middle School Library and Commons


    Drew Intermediate School:  January 21st at 9am

    Location: Drew Intermediate School Library


    Regional History Fair at Lee College: February 20th and 21st


    State History Fair in Austin, Texas: May 2nd


    National History Fair in Washington, D.C.: June 8th - 12th


    Visit the National History Day website at www.nhd.org to learn more about the program, rules, and project information.