• Employee Leave

    Any employee that will be out five consecutive days due to illness MUST bring a doctor's release (job description provided by the HR department) on their return to work. The employee should report to the front office on their first day back and must provide the doctor's release to work before the employee is allowed to work.


    If the employee does not return to work on the 6th day, they should contact their campus/department front office as well as the HR Generalist and/or Benefits Specialist.


    As of the 6th day of absence, the employee must be placed on leave for which they qualify. At this time, the employee's monies will be reviewed to apply to any leave days against time out of work. Once all leave days are exhausted, the employee will receive a dock to their payroll for any unearned days unless the employee is a sick bank member and qualified to apply or receive from the bank.


    If sick leave bank days are awarded, monies will be looked at to determine how far the bank days will take the employee without being docked. Once all days are exhausted, any unearned days taken will be docked either as they are taken or in a long-term dock.


    If the employee is not a bank member or is not awarded days for the incident, then a long-term dock will be put into place or checks will stop until the total dock of unearned time is satisfied. If the employee is an At-Will employee, under Crosby ISD's district operating procedures, once all personal leave days are exhausted and if the At-Will employee does not qualify for FMLA, the employee will be terminated.